Childhood Gardens


I don't particularly remember being outdoorsy as a child. Yet, my memories are flooded with moments spent under fir and pine trees, running my fingertips over the texture of the thick leaves on succulents that lined our steps, picking petals, gathering berries. When we moved to Manhattan, we knew we'd have to be intentional about providing lots of outdoor time for our crew. What we didn't expect was how accessible it would be! Central Park has given us just as many opportunities to explore new terrain as the state park we used to live next to in Washington state. The one thing I have missed though, was getting our hands dirty digging in the dirt, planting seeds, watching things sprout and grow, and harvesting flowers or vegetables.  

Container gardening inside our apartment (usually in the kitchen) and on our terrace have both provided just enough planting to satisfying our green thumbs.  Succulents and cacti and lavender are all my still my long standing favorites. They are all hearty plants that can survive well indoors and out, and the lavender yields a great crop that can be used in baking, bouquets and sachets.  Years ago we started to put together themed garden pots that help us focus what seeds we want to buy, and produce herbs and plants we love to use in the kitchen too.

Here are two of our favorite combinations for you to try:

Tea Garden                       



-chocolate mint                                     


-lemon verbena                                            

Salsa Garden






We love to buy our heirloom seeds at Bountiful the catalog is dreamy!

Kristen Kill