Getaway to the Keys

Its a mysterious reality that when we intentionally change our our perspective, huddle in with our most precious people to tuck in and rest and to restore . . . its exactly then that our world expands. In the tension of a pause, our capacities increase and the small we've created, for even a little while ,actually makes our world expand. We sailed off to the Keys this Spring to expand our view, to soak in sunshine after a bleak winter, and and sit in the warmth of one another's company. We woke to vision and calling and dreams with excitement after days of taking in turquoise and hues and dipping our toes in salty blue. We'd become so accustomed to grey, we'd forgotten the scent that orange brings; light upon the air, but whispering fresh renewal. And so we found ourselves, weary travelings, yearning to let rest sink deep through the mist of a few days spent in vibrant color. 

Some of our favorite haunts along the way . . . . . 

Tranquility Bay Resort

Mallory Square in Key West

Hemingway's House

Turtle Hospital


Tiki bar

Sweet Savannah's

Bahia Honda State Park

Sombrero Beach

Robbie's of Islamorada



Kristen Kill